Daniel Aing
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Daniel has been working in and across cultural art forms for the last 20 years. His industry portfolio is extensive in roles as performer, choreographer and collaborator alongside organising and leading cross European creative exchanges.
Daniel’s dual background is in social work, working with disengaged youths, using arts as a tool and process for behavioural change. His passion lies in supporting self-expression. As an advocate for enabling accessibility and inclusion, education has become Daniel's predominant focus. Teaching life and transferable skills through creative approaches, Daniel works within the Supported Education department at D&A College in Dundee, nurturing vulnerable learners that require additional support needs.
Daniel holds a Teaching Qualification in Further Education (TQFE) alongside other recognised qualifications in Fitness and Personal Training, Contakids, and Inclusive Dance Training (IDT). He continues to lecture at the Scottish School of Contemporary Dance and remain a proactive initiator to promote boys into dance.